Vortrag, Workshop Porcine Futures 1: Re-negotiating ‚wilderness‘ in more-than-human worlds, CEFRES, Prag, 16.-17. Oktober 2018 HUNTERS AND WILD BOAR: THE (INTER)CORPOREALITY OF A RELATIONSHIP What is special about hunters’ relationship with wild boar in Germany? In comparison to hunting other game animals in this country, hunting wild boar is a challenging and risky practice. Boar…
Encounters with wolves
Mein Tagungsbericht zu/my conference report of ENCOUNTERS WITH WOLVES: DYNAMICS AND FUTURES 27. bis 29. Juni 2018, Bautzen https://www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/tagungsberichte-7849 This conference was initiated by MICHAELA FENSKE (Würzburg) and her team of the German Research Foundation project ‘The Return of Wolves: Cultural-anthropological studies dealing with the process of wolf management in the Federal Republic of Germany’.…
Vortrag Malaysia 2018 Ways of the hunting dog
Twelth International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS XII), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 23.-27. July 2018 WAYS OF THE HUNTING DOG: THE GERMAN PRESSURE HUNT FROM ONE ANIMAL’S PERSPECTIVE Thorsten Gieser, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany For decades now, anthropology has seen a plethora of publications that deal with our ‚Western’/’Euro-modern‘ dichotomisation between Nature…
Publikation The experience of ‚being a hunter‘
Thorsten Gieser (2018). The experience of ‚being a hunter‘: Towards a phenomenological anthropology of hunting practices. Hunter-Gatherer Research 3 (2): 227-251 https://online.liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/doi/abs/10.3828/hgr.2017.12 Hunting today is increasingly complex and heterogeneous. Processes of globalisation (economy, technology, law, tourism) transform local hunting practices as Western ways of hunting encounter non-Western, local ways of hunting. The question arises in how far…
Multisensorische Installation ‚The Beauty of Hunting‘
Multisensorische Installation ‚The Beauty of Hunting‘ – Einblicke in die Ästhetische Ethnologie Eine Kooperation zwischen der Universität Koblenz-Landau und dem Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral der Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Kultur Ausstellungseröffnung: 20. April 2018, 19.00 Uhr Ausstellungsdauer: 20. April 2018 bis 8. Juni 2018 Einladung Balmoral thebeautyofhunting Pressestimme zur Installation: RheinLahnZeitung zu The Beauty of Hunting Bilder…
Vortragsankündigung 2018 Penang/Malaysia Ways of the hunting dog
Twelth International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS XII), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 23.-27. Juli 2018 WAYS OF THE HUNTING DOG: THE GERMAN PRESSURE HUNT FROM ONE ANIMAL’S PERSPECTIVE Thorsten Gieser, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany In this paper I explore hunting in Germany as a multi-species engagement from a (anthropologically) de-centralised perspective by…
Abfangen I
ENGLISH/GERMAN It was a fine winter’s day, in a forest in Germany. The air was cool and crisp, the ground covered with a thin coat of snow, the sky was blue and the sun shone so that everything sparkled around us. I was with a group of beaters, taking part in a pressure hunt on…
Vortragsankündigung 2017 Münster The Beauties of Hunting
Tuesday, December 19th 2017 4-6 p.m. Institute of Ethnology, WWU Münster Studtstraße 21, Raum STU 105 (2.10) The Beauties of Hunting: a ‚tandem film‘ format for an audiovisual/sensory ethnography For Clifford Geertz, „a good interpretation of anything – a poem, a person, a history, a ritual, an institution, a society – takes us into the…
Vortrag Heidelberg 2017 Flesh, Blood and Bones
Introduction Hunting is – and has been- one of the most enduring themes in anthropology. Anthropologists have been especially attracted to hunters‘ animist ontologies which attributes ‚personhood‘ to humans and non-humans alike. What is the world like when you’re killing and eating souls?, as one eskimo hunter has put it to Rasmussen. For more than…
Köln 2017 Vortrag Killing a wounded sow
KILLING A WOUNDED SOW: A PHENOMENOLOGICAL APPROACH TO A PROBLEMATIC HUNTING SITUATION Thorsten Gieser, University of Koblenz-Landau Gleichgültig auf welches Wild ein Jäger jagt – bevor er ein Stück beschießt, muß er die Fertigkeit besitzen, das kranke Stück auf schnellstem und weidgerechtem Wege töten zu können. Wer ein Stück krank schießt und steht hilflos…