Vortrag, Workshop Porcine Futures 1: Re-negotiating ‚wilderness‘ in more-than-human worlds, CEFRES, Prag, 16.-17. Oktober 2018 HUNTERS AND WILD BOAR: THE (INTER)CORPOREALITY OF A RELATIONSHIP What is special about hunters’ relationship with wild boar in Germany? In comparison to hunting other game animals in this country, hunting wild boar is a challenging and risky practice. Boar…
Articles from September 2018
Encounters with wolves
Mein Tagungsbericht zu/my conference report of ENCOUNTERS WITH WOLVES: DYNAMICS AND FUTURES 27. bis 29. Juni 2018, Bautzen https://www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/tagungsberichte-7849 This conference was initiated by MICHAELA FENSKE (Würzburg) and her team of the German Research Foundation project ‘The Return of Wolves: Cultural-anthropological studies dealing with the process of wolf management in the Federal Republic of Germany’.…